My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Each day we can take great consolation in the promise of Our Lord, “Behold, I am with you, to the close of the age.” (Mt 28:20) What a message of hope!
We are living in extraordinary days when we can fall into thinking that the Lord Jesus is not with us or that His Church is going away. The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world upside down. Fear, anxiety and confusion are gripping many people. Public authorities have given directives that make it impossible for us to gather. Consequently, the public celebration of Holy Mass cannot take place and the celebration of the other sacraments is curtailed.
We may cry out, “Jesus, where are You?” Yet, we believe with all our hearts that He is always true to His promise, “I am with you…” We believe that He is with us, His Body. the Church. The truth is this: Jesus Christ is with us during this time of crisis and His Church is coming back stronger than ever.
How do we keep focused on Him? We must be strong in faith and take advantage of the many treasures in His Church that help us to stay close to Him. Here are some ways to do so:
The key for us now is to look beyond ourselves. We look up to God and outward to one another. Now is the time for hope. Now is the time to pray with renewed fervor. Now is the time to reach out to one another in prayer, and in acts of charity and care, especially for those who are elderly, weak, alone or anxious. Let us strengthen each other in faith by showing our love for God and for one another.
Please consult for practical suggestions and information on how to be united in prayer as we prepare to come back strong to Holy Mass and the sacraments.
Remember that our current situation of social distancing is only temporary. It is a great sacrifice for us, but one that can be offered for the love of God and the salvation of souls. Let’s follow Him who suffered all for us.
What is Our Lord telling us today? He promises us, “Behold! I am with you.” He is calling out to us, “My Church is with you and will be back stronger than ever.”
With an assurance of my prayers as I commend each of you and your families to the Most Holy Mother of God, I remain
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Most Reverend William J. Waltersheid
Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh