Bishop Zubik announces the following clergy appointments:
The Reverend Kenneth W. Marlovits from Senior Parochial Vicar of the parishes of Saint Kilian, Adams/Cranberry Townships; and Holy Sepulcher, Glade Mills, as well as Chaplain to the students at North Catholic High School, to Assistant Director of the Office for Priestly Vocations, with residence at Saint Paul Seminary, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
The Reverend Nicholas S. Vaskov to Pastor of Christ the Savior Parish, North Side, for a term of six (6) years, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020. Father Vaskov maintains his assignment as Team Moderator of the parishes of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Polish Hill; Most Holy Name, Troy Hill; Saint Nicholas, Millvale; and Saint Patrick/Saint Stanislaus Kostka, Strip District, and as Director of the Shrines of Saint Anthony Chapel, Troy Hill; Saint Nicholas Church, Millvale; Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Polish Hill; Saint Patrick Church, Strip District; and Saint Stanislaus Kostka Church, Strip District.
The Reverend Lawrence D. Adams from Team Member of Christ the Divine Shepherd Parish, Monroeville/Penn Hills, to Moderator of Team Ministry of Christ the Divine Shepherd Parish, Monroeville/Penn Hills, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
The Reverend Dam D. Nguyen from Senior Parochial Vicar of the parishes of Saint Maria Goretti, Bloomfield, and Our Lady of the Angels, Lawrenceville, to Senior Parochial Vicar of Christ Our Savior Parish North Side, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
In accordance with the provisions of the
Priest Personnel Policy, and at his request, the Reverend Louis L. DeNinno has been granted permission to resign from his current assignment as Tribunal Defender of the Bond and Canonical Consultant in the Office for Matrimonial Concerns, effective July 1, 2020. At the same time, Father DeNinno is assigned Tribunal Defender of the Bond and Canonical Consultant in the Office for Matrimonial Concerns with continued residence at Christ Our Savior Parish, North Side.
In accordance with the provisions of the
Priest Personnel Policy, and at his request, the Very Reverend Lawrence A. DiNardo has been granted permission to resign from his current assignment as Vicar General and General Secretary, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020. At the same time, Father DiNardo is assigned Vicar General and General Secretary with continued residence at Christ Our Savior Parish, North Side.
In accordance with the provisions of the
Priest Personnel Policy, and at his request, the Reverend Leroy A. DiPietro has been granted permission to resign from his current assignment as Delegate for Retired Priests, effective July 1, 2020. At the same time, Father DiPietro is assigned Delegate for Retired Priests with residence at the newly established Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, North Hills.
In accordance with the provisions of the
Priest Personnel Policy, and at his request, Reverend Monsignor Ronald P. Lengwin has been granted permission to resign from his current assignment as Vicar for Church Relations and Director for Public Affairs and Community Relations, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020. At the same time, Monsignor Lengwin is assigned Vicar for Church Relations and Director for Public Affairs and Community Relations with continued residence at Divine Mercy Parish, Center City/Hill District.
In accordance with the provisions of the
Priest Personnel Policy, and at his request, the Reverend Joseph C. Scheib has been granted permission to resign from his current assignment as Judge for the Tribunal, effective July 1, 2020. At the same time, Father Scheib is assigned as Judge for the Tribunal with continued residence at Saint Philip Church, Crafton.
In accordance with the provisions of the
Priest Personnel Policy, and at his request, the Reverend Donald Chortos has been granted permission to resign from his current assignment as Retired Priest with Assignment as Senior Parochial Vicar at Saint Katharine Drexel Parish, Southeast Washington County, to retirement, effective July 1, 2020. Father Chortos will continue to reside at Saint Katharine Drexel Parish, Southeast Washington County.
The Reverend Kenneth E. Kezmarsky from Senior Parochial Vicar of Saint Clare of Assisi Parish, Clairton; Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, Pleasant Hills; Holy Spirit Parish, West Mifflin; and Saint Thomas à Becket Parish, Jefferson Hills, to Senior Parochial Vicar of the newly established Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish, Clairton/Jefferson Hills/Pleasant Hills/West Mifflin, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020. Father Kezmarsky maintains his assignment as Chaplain to the Epiphany Association/Academy.
The Reverend William R. Terza from Senior Parochial Vicar of Saint Clare of Assisi Parish, Clairton; Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, Pleasant Hills; Holy Spirit Parish, West Mifflin; and Saint Thomas à Becket Parish, Jefferson Hills, to Senior Parochial Vicar of the newly established Triumph of the Holy Cross Parish, Clairton/Jefferson Hills/Pleasant Hills/West Mifflin, effective Wednesday, July 1, 2020.