Every year on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, we hear at Mass the gospel passage from St. Matthew (2:1-12) that speaks of the visit of the Magi (the Three Wise Men or the Three Kings) to the Child Jesus, their falling down in adoration before Him and offering Him the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This passage describes also their journey to find Him and their arrival in Jerusalem asking, “Where is the newborn King of the Jews?” Their search disturbs all of Jerusalem, and especially King Herod, who is threatened by a tiny Child. He fears losing the throne. Is it not amazing to imagine that the cry of the Infant Jesus would reach Herod’s palace and cause the king to tremble?! Herod might have thought, “I will lose my power, my position, and my wealth if this newborn King of the Jews is not destroyed!”
Today in our world, in our own country, the potential cry of a child puts all of our society and many individuals into a state of panic and fear, as they think that if a child is born, they will lose their power to destroy a life, to kill a child by abortion. They may fear that they will lose positions of work and career. They may fear that they will lose financial income and independence. In fear, they may decide to snuff out the potential cry of a child by ending her or his life. The fear and the plotting of Herod lives on in the world today. Herod in his craftiness and manipulation asks the Magi to return to him and tell him of the location of the Child Jesus, not to adore Him but to end His life. Today the spirit of Herod calls the killing of an unborn child “health care” or a “human right.” In reality, this “health care” and this “human right” is not healthy, caring, human or just. It destroys the life of both the unborn child, the mother, and the family.
A hymn used for the liturgy of the Feast of the Epiphany poses a question: “Why merciless Herod are you afraid of God coming as a King? The Giver of heaven’s kingdom (the Child who is God and man) does not usurp earthly ones.” Herod and all those who want to destroy the lives of children are not able to trust in the work of God’s grace in their own lives. They cannot see that it is in accepting the gift of life that all fear is cast out and the riches of love are poured out into their lives. Yes, often families and individual pregnant mothers may struggle and have challenges in accepting and caring for a new child. It is also true that accepting and embracing the life of a child gives hope and meaning to life. It is our responsibility to come to the aid of the unborn children and their mothers. We must help them to choose life.
In the end the question is this: “Whose example will we follow? Herod and his gang who seek to destroy children and the Divine Child? Or the Magi and their company who seek to adore the Christ Child and offer Him gifts and to care for children, the great gift from God?
Most Reverend William J. Waltersheid Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh