The mission of the Catholic Diocese High Schools of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Inc. (CHSDOP) planning for a stronger future together is to provide long-range planning, management, and oversight of the Affiliate High Schools of the Diocese of Pittsburgh within a context in which our schools collaborate and cooperate strategically within the vision of the Church in the south western Pennsylvania region to become the embodiment of The Church Alive!
Most Revered David A. Zubik
Most Revered Mark A. Eckman
Mrs. Anna B. Torrance, Esq.Mrs. Dorothy Alke, Esq. (Chair)
Mr. William Cleary
Mr. Matthew Gordley, PhD
Sister Mary Frances Grasinger, C.S.J.
Mr. James Gilboy
Ms. Patricia Grey
Mrs. Lauren Martin
Mr. Michael McGinley (Vice Chair)
Ms. Shirley Novak, Esq. (Secretary/Treasurer)
Mr. Ronald Ogrodnik
Mr. Christopher Ponticello, Esq.