In the Diocese of Pittsburgh, all employees of parishes, schools, and diocesan offices must be compliant with our Safe Environment Policy, as must most volunteers. Each parish or school has a safe environment coordinator to assist with compliance with our child protection policies. If you would like to volunteer at your parish or school, see your safe environment coordinator.
Someone who has committed minor offenses unrelated to child abuse or parish duties (such as traffic violations) will be accepted for service. If someone has committed a serious offense that is not automatically disqualifying (such as driving under the influence) an examination board of diocesan officials will decide whether the person is approved, denied or restricted (e.g. forbidden to drive as part of their church-related duties). The applicant cannot begin their church-related service until the matter is resolved. The individual would have to agree in writing to any restrictions. The pastor may reject someone who the diocesan reviewers have cleared for service, but cannot accept someone who the diocese has rejected or ignore restrictions that have been placed on the applicant. Both the pastor and the applicant have 30 days to appeal but the decision on the appeal is final.
All clergy and staff and all volunteers who possibly encounter a minor during their duties must have their background checks and child protection training recorded in our Virtus®Online Safe Environment database. This includes all visiting and international clergy, all religious who serve in our diocesan ministries and outside contractors who work at our premises or events.
Unsure whether you have an existing account? Call the Office for Compliance at 412-456-3093. If your record exists, we will provide you with login information.
Click here for tips on how to create a safe environment when ministering online to minors during COVID-19.
Click here for tips to help children and adolescents remain safe during increased time online during the COVID-19 crisis.