Come for an Earth Day Community Resource Fair, hosted by the Care for Creation Group at Saint Teresa of Kolkata Parish, in the Saint Catherine of Siena Church Parish Hall (1810 Belasco Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216).
You are invited to attend a festive afternoon filled with information about:
Conserving energy (Reps from Duquesne Light, Columbia Gas, Peoples Gas, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, EIS Solar, Palmetto Solar Co., etc.)
Using ecology-friendly products (Free trade and Equal Exchange products; Ten Thousand Villages- free trade crafts & housewares from the world over; Melaleuca environmentally safe products; Wonderfill information on how fill reused containers liquid detergent, lotion etc. at their store; and more).
Special features include: kids’ craft tables, display of the Environmental Voice of Young People in poster collages, food truck, cookie table, free raffles, join the parish Garden Project, etc.