2586 Wexford Bayne Road Sewickley,PA15143United States
WINGS (Women In God’s Spirit) presents a One-Day Ladies Lenten Retreat.
The topic will be: Intentional Friendship, How to Love God and Love Others with Joyful Attention. We'll examine: what is God’s plan for a deep connection with other women?
The event takes place Saturday, March 18, beginning 9:00am and concluding with 5:00pm Mass at Saint Luke the Evangelist Parish
Sts John and Paul Campus - Upper Level of Cardinal DiNardo Center (Across from the church) (2586 Wexford Bayne Rd, Sewickley 15143).
The day will include keynote speaker Melissa Sartori, prayer, music, small group sharing, lunch, personal reflection time, adoration, opportunity for Confession, and Mass.
This event is being offered at no charge but a freewill donation will be gratefully accepted to offset expenses.