Sacred Heart Church, 310 Shady Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
The Saint Jude Parish Speakers Series “Sharing the Light” is grateful for your engagement and encouragement thru the first three seasons of “Sharing the Light”, which featured a wide variety of cultural and intellectual topics and speakers based on our treasured Catholic values and traditions. We are honored and very pleased to begin our fourth season by welcoming Dr. Michel Therrien, President and CEO of Preambula Group ( as our guest presenter, Wednesday, September 13th, in Sacred Heart Church, 301 Shady Ave, 15206. Before founding Preambula Group, Dr. Therrien served as the President of the Institute for Pastoral Leadership and Director of Evangelization for the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Prior to that, he was a Professor of Moral Theology and Academic Dean at the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado. From 2008 to 2012, he taught at Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe and served as Academic Dean. Dr. Therrien holds a B.A. in Theology from Gonzaga University and an M.A. in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University; a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the International Institute in Gaming, Austria and a Doctorate in Fundamental Moral Theology from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Michel’s presentation will focus on his most recent book, “Wounded Witness;Reclaiming the Church’s Unity in a Time of Crisis”, which analyzes the intra-mural divisions within the Church since Vatican II and their effect upon the Church’s unity of witness in recent decades. The book presents the years surrounding the Council which created a vacuum within various theological paradigms which have posed alternative perspectives on how we best live as Catholic disciples in this time. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Michel Therrien, Wednesday evening, September 13th, 7:00 pm, in Sacred Heart Church. His presentation will also be streamed live on our website at Thank you, The Sharing the Light Committee