The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour until the whole batch was leavened.
-Matthew 13:33
Leaven is a type of yeast that helps bread to rise after it is added to its dough. In a similar way, the Leaven Initiative of the Diocese of Pittsburgh equips parishes and lay leaders with the tools they need for their evangelization efforts to flourish. It is rooted in the biblical vision that the vast kingdom of God arises from small beginnings.
Awakening experiences such as Alpha and ChristLife that ignite their participants’ faith are essential to realizing this vision. Through these programs, participants encounter Jesus in a most profound, intimate way and are inspired to commit their lives to Him as missionary disciples. The Leaven Initiative aims to effect a cultural shift within parishes and schools throughout the diocese by empowering the laity to realize their baptismal mission to “go and make disciples” as spirit-filled evangelizers.
Alpha and ChristLife are similar experiences that provide a welcome environment where adults explore together life’s “big questions.” Their emphasis is on small group interaction, so they are best experienced in person, though online versions have been well received.
Supported by sacrificial gifts made to Our Campaign for The Church Alive!, a limited number of scholarships are available to assist parishes and schools with the start-up costs associated with launching Alpha or ChristLife. To learn more, please contact Marita Parker at [email protected]g.
Our desire is to create a culture of evangelization and missionary discipleship within every parish and school throughout the diocese. To learn more about starting an evangelization team at your parish or school, please contact Marita Parker, Consultant in Support of Local Evangelization, at: [email protected].