Monastic communities fall combine elements of apostolic and cloistered communities. Monastic men and women place a high value on prayer and living in community life, but many are also engaged in active ministries. Monasticism centers on community life, work, and common and individual prayer.
Benedictine Fathers
(724) 539-9761
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
General number: (724) 502-2600
Vocations: (724) 502-2605
Contemplative religious communities are often cloistered or partially cloistered – that is, they live separated from the rest of the world to be more focused on prayer, including prayer for the needs of the world. As cloistered religious they rarely leave their monasteries, and all or most of their work is done within the monastery itself, depending on the degree to which they are cloistered.
Religious of the Passion (Passionist Nuns)
(412) 881-1155