Paul Lim knew from a young age that he wanted to serve the Catholic Church. At first he thought it would be as a priest, but later realized that God was calling him to the permanent diaconate.
“I found that I was drawn to service,” he said. “I wanted to bring people to the Lord, but I learned that it wasn’t through being a pastor.”
On June 13, 2020, Deacon Lim was one of eight men ordained as permanent deacons for the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Effective July 1, he is assigned to the Ministry of Sacrament and the Ministry of Word in the parish grouping of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Margaret of Scotland and Saints Simon and Jude in Green Tree/Carnegie/Scott, and to the Ministry of Service and Charity in these parishes.
“Being a deacon isn’t about what you do. It’s about identifying with Jesus the Servant,” he said. “Thus, having the heart of a deacon is all about being close to Him. Our service to the Church begins there and finds its completeness there.
“This is one of the reasons why deacons are so important for the Church.”
Deacons are ordained ministers with a special calling to perform works of charity and service, proclaim the word of God, and assist in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church. They coordinate their part-time ministry with job and family responsibilities.
A member of St. Margaret of Scotland Parish in the Green Tree/Carnegie/Scott grouping, Lim is a licensed social worker and hospital care management director at UPMC St. Margaret in Aspinwall.
He and his wife Elizabeth are parents to four children ages 10 to 3.
Raised in Jacksonville, FL, Lim has three siblings. Their parents are from the Philippines. At 43, he is the youngest member of the diocese’s permanent diaconate Class of 2020.
“I believe that God and the Church are calling me to the diaconate,” he said. “Thus, it’s my vocation that I have to follow.”
To men who may be interested in becoming a permanent deacon, Lim has one word of advice: pray.
“Often we want to act—this will come in time,” he said. “But first you have to pray and develop a closeness to Jesus. Then you can discern if He is calling you to identify with Him in this special way of service. Then your actions will be fruitful.”