Kate Wells and 40 other members of the cast and crew of “City of Man” were disappointed they couldn’t perform this year. But thanks to the generosity of supporters, the production still will benefit those in need.
The pandemic forced a postponement then cancellation of the musical, which is a modern take on the Acts of the Apostles. Produced by the Catholic Youth Organization of the Neighbors North Catholic Community, the first CYO show was staged 47 years ago at St. Sebastian Parish in Ross.
“My dad has played in the band for 22 years,” Wells said. This would have been her fourth musical.
However, the big concern was continuing to help the poor, since the show has been an important fundraiser for missions. Every year volunteers travel to impoverished eastern Kentucky to renovate homes. Funds also support the medical clinic and social service center that the Diocese of Pittsburgh sponsors in Chimbote, Peru, where many people live in dirt-floor huts made of scrap wood and thatch.
So youth minister Katie Dorman contacted about 200 businesses and families who provided financial support, giving them the option of receiving a refund or donating their gift. Despite the economic downturn, most allowed the CYO to keep the funds.
“We should come close to our goal of $25,000,” Dorman said. “We appreciate all the businesses who support us, as well as parents and our young people who are so resilient and inspiring.”
Organizers added a third group to support—the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.
Craig Kreutzer, one of the directors of “City of Man,” wasn’t surprised by the charitable response.
“We are blessed with an audience year after year that gives with their applause and their support,” he said.
Wells has gone on two mission trips to Kentucky, and felt moved by the poverty she saw.
“Every time I get on that stage I think of the people we help,” she said. “This is bigger than our production. It’s been a life changing experience.”
To donate:
Venmo @NeighborsNorthCYO
Photo: Cast and crew of “City of Man” during rehearsal