Work Should Never Be Just Work! It should be a calling, a vocation. Through pursuing a career with Franciscan University, you will have the opportunity to be a part of a visionary organization in service of the Church, society and culture. You will be challenged by the work and rewarded by the fruit it bears, we seek to respond to God’s call to St. Francis of Assisi to “Rebuild my Church.”
Franciscan University of Steubenville is seeking professionally competent, mission-driven candidates for the challenging and rewarding position of Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The successful candidate will possess a passion for advancing the Catholic educational mission of Franciscan University. Franciscan University of Steubenville is committed to principles of equal opportunity and is an equal opportunity employer.
Candidates must submit a resume and a cover letter which demonstrates their fit for the position based on their experience, accomplishments and skills as well as their desire to advance the mission of Franciscan University.
Work Should Never Be Just Work! It should be a calling, a vocation. Through pursuing a career with Franciscan University, you will have the opportunity to be a part of a visionary organization in service of the Church, society and culture. You will be challenged by the work and rewarded by the fruit it bears, we seek to respond to God’s call to St. Francis of Assisi to “Rebuild my Church.”
Franciscan University of Steubenville is seeking professionally competent, mission-driven candidates for the challenging and rewarding position of Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The successful candidate will possess a passion for advancing the Catholic educational mission of Franciscan University. Franciscan University of Steubenville is committed to principles of equal opportunity and is an equal opportunity employer.
Candidates must submit a resume and a cover letter which demonstrates their fit for the position based on their experience, accomplishments and skills as well as their desire to advance the mission of Franciscan University.